The MD EduChem is one of the great platform that provides you study materials like Textbook’s, Practical books, Reference books, Notes, Exercises, Model Question Paper in the form of PDF and also providing you video lectures for better exam preparation for 11th and 12th students . It’s providing Mock Tests, Online MCQ Tests and Career guidelines to exploring more to contemporary world.
It also providing you important and up dative information about 11th and 12th HSC board syllabus, MHT-CET, JEE, NEET Entrance Exam syllabus & their schedule.
As we are providing very standard study material with authentic research about previous questioning pattern and answer keys which more helpful you to facing board exams, MHT-CET, JEE and NEET exams with definite answers and lovely smile.
Every year I saw many students whose dream ends with just passing the board exams but here we are giving them endless dream by which you will get more than you expected.
To take continuous efforts to provide quality oriented educational material.
To make all round development of students through career guidance, academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
To provide best quality higher secondary education to socially and economically backward rural youth in lower cost.
To improve student’s personality and their multi-layered excellence.
To qualifying maximum number of students in MHT-CET, JEE and NEET Entrance Exam.
It’s amazing place for all type of preparation you only easy approach while studying but also understand the bigger perspective of why learning? What you are learning?
Truly one of the best place of learning ever. I have not only improved my concept but also improved me as a person.
Sir is great, they are ready to help us in every way they can.
It provide every type of study material for academic exams or for entrance exam.